Gemi Elettronica Plaststolpe För Elstängsel 160 Cm
33.9 SEK
Komplett information, jämför priser och upptäck egenskaper för Gemi Elettronica Plaststolpe För Elstängsel 160 Cm, tillgänglig för priset av 33.9 SEK; den passar in i kategorin Tillbehör inomhusklimat; produkten säljs av och är tillverkad av Gemi Elettronica.
Staketstolpar i plast, lämpliga för alla typer av tejp, tråd och rep, vertikalt förstärkta och utrustade med en 21 cm galvaniserad spets. Total höjd: 160 cm Höjd på järnspets: 21 cm Höjd på plaststruktur: 139 cm Antal öglor: 10 Utmärkt för både tråd och band. Den kan innehålla alla typer av elstängselledare upp till 40 mm. PLASTSTOLPE FÖR ELSTÄNGSEL 160 CM Mycket enkel att montera Tack vare den skarpa järnspetsen Den glider lätt ner i marken Universal I dess 10 öglor kan du sätta in tråd, band eller tejp av valfri diameter eller bredd upp till 40 mm. Säker och certifierad. Sedan 1983 Uppmärksamhet åt din säkerhet. Sedan 1983 har vi haft specialister i företaget för konstruktion av produkter för elektriska staket. Att köpa en produkt Gemi Elettronica betyder att välja kvalitet och säkerhet. Ladda ner certifieringarna. Vad säger våra kunder? Den mest älskade i världen. vår kunder säger det Den första i världen i dess kategori tack vare tusentals positiva recensioner från hela världen på TrustPilot Läs dem alla Våra videorecensioner. Upptäck yttrandet från som har provat det. Hundratals videor mottogs av kunder precis som du. Titta på videorna. Fraktens tid och kostnad? Vi levererar överallt världen på 3/8 dagar arbetsdagar Ta reda på alla tider och kostnader här: Klicka här Hur kan jag betala? Mer än 10 metoder av betalning. Finns det en garanti på Gemi-staket? 3 år av garanti. På vilken komponent som helst av elektriska staket (elektrisk del eller struktur). 100 dagar att ompröva. Nöjd eller återbetalas. Vi behöver inte någon förklaring. Vi samlar in produkten på vår egen bekostnad och du får din återbetalning Fördelarna med att köpa från fabrik. 1) Gratis råd fram till problemet är definitivt löst. Du kommer att besvaras via telefon av vår specialiserade tekniker med åratal av erfarenhet inom området. Ring nu kl(+39) 02.87165556 eller skriv 2) Har du problem med någon av våra produkter? Vi kommer omedelbart att byta ut produkten 3) Fabrikspriser. Spara genom att inte köpa från återförsäljare. 4) 40 års erfarenhet inom branschen till din tjänst. 5) Designad och helt tillverkad i Italieni vår produktionsanläggning över 10 000 kvadratmeter.
EAN: 8053017260792
Fraktkostnad: 0 SEK
Tillgänglighet: in stock
Skick: new
Staketstolpar i plast, lämpliga för alla typer av tejp, tråd och rep, vertikalt förstärkta och utrustade med en 21 cm galvaniserad spets. Total höjd: 160 cm Höjd på järnspets: 21 cm Höjd på plaststruktur: 139 cm Antal öglor: 10 Utmärkt för både tråd och band. Den kan innehålla alla typer av elstängselledare upp till 40 mm. PLASTSTOLPE FÖR ELSTÄNGSEL 160 CM Mycket enkel att montera Tack vare den skarpa järnspetsen Den glider lätt ner i marken Universal I dess 10 öglor kan du sätta in tråd, band eller tejp av valfri diameter eller bredd upp till 40 mm. Säker och certifierad. Sedan 1983 Uppmärksamhet åt din säkerhet. Sedan 1983 har vi haft specialister i företaget för konstruktion av produkter för elektriska staket. Att köpa en produkt Gemi Elettronica betyder att välja kvalitet och säkerhet. Ladda ner certifieringarna. Vad säger våra kunder? Den mest älskade i världen. vår kunder säger det Den första i världen i dess kategori tack vare tusentals positiva recensioner från hela världen på TrustPilot Läs dem alla Våra videorecensioner. Upptäck yttrandet från som har provat det. Hundratals videor mottogs av kunder precis som du. Titta på videorna. Fraktens tid och kostnad? Vi levererar överallt världen på 3/8 dagar arbetsdagar Ta reda på alla tider och kostnader här: Klicka här Hur kan jag betala? Mer än 10 metoder av betalning. Finns det en garanti på Gemi-staket? 3 år av garanti. På vilken komponent som helst av elektriska staket (elektrisk del eller struktur). 100 dagar att ompröva. Nöjd eller återbetalas. Vi behöver inte någon förklaring. Vi samlar in produkten på vår egen bekostnad och du får din återbetalning Fördelarna med att köpa från fabrik. 1) Gratis råd fram till problemet är definitivt löst. Du kommer att besvaras via telefon av vår specialiserade tekniker med åratal av erfarenhet inom området. Ring nu kl(+39) 02.87165556 eller skriv 2) Har du problem med någon av våra produkter? Vi kommer omedelbart att byta ut produkten 3) Fabrikspriser. Spara genom att inte köpa från återförsäljare. 4) 40 års erfarenhet inom branschen till din tjänst. 5) Designad och helt tillverkad i Italieni vår produktionsanläggning över 10 000 kvadratmeter.
EAN: 8053017260792
Fraktkostnad: 0 SEK
Tillgänglighet: in stock
Skick: new
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Gemi Elettronica Plaststolpe För Elstängsel 121 Cm
23.35 SEK
Staketstolpar av plast, lämpliga för alla typer av tejp, tråd och rep, vertikalt förstärkta och utrustade med en 18 cm galvaniserad spets. Total höjd: 121 cm Höjd på järnspets: 18 cm Höjd på plaststruktur: 103 cm Antal öglor: 8 Utmärkt för både tråd och band. Den kan innehålla alla typer av elstängselledare upp till 40 mm. PLASTSTOLPE FÖR ELSTÄNGSEL 121 CM Mycket enkel att montera Tack vare den skarpa järnspetsen Den glider lätt ner i marken Universal I dess 8 öglor kan du sätta in tråd, band eller tejp av valfri diameter eller bredd upp till 40 mm. Säker och certifierad. Sedan 1983 Uppmärksamhet åt din säkerhet. Sedan 1983 har vi haft specialister i företaget för konstruktion av produkter för elektriska staket. Att köpa en produkt Gemi Elettronica betyder att välja kvalitet och säkerhet. Ladda ner certifieringarna. Vad säger våra kunder? Den mest älskade i världen. vår kunder säger det Den första i världen i dess kategori tack vare tusentals positiva recensioner från hela världen på TrustPilot Läs dem alla Våra videorecensioner. Upptäck yttrandet från som har provat det. Hundratals videor mottogs av kunder precis som du. Titta på videorna. Fraktens tid och kostnad? Vi levererar överallt världen på 3/8 dagar arbetsdagar Ta reda på alla tider och kostnader här: Klicka här Hur kan jag betala? Mer än 8 metoder av betalning. Finns det en garanti på Gemi-staket? 3 år av garanti. På vilken komponent som helst av elektriska staket (elektrisk del eller struktur). 100 dagar att ompröva. Nöjd eller återbetalas. Vi behöver inte någon förklaring. Vi samlar in produkten på vår egen bekostnad och du får din återbetalning Fördelarna med att köpa från fabrik. 1) Gratis råd fram till problemet är definitivt löst. Du kommer att besvaras via telefon av vår specialiserade tekniker med åratal av erfarenhet inom området. Ring nu kl(+39) 02.87165556 eller skriv 2) Har du problem med någon av våra produkter? Vi kommer omedelbart att byta ut produkten 3) Fabrikspriser. Spara genom att inte köpa från återförsäljare. 4) 40 års erfarenhet inom branschen till din tjänst. 5) Designad och helt tillverkad i Italieni vår produktionsanläggning över 8 000 kvadratmeter.
Gemi Elettronica Elektriskt Staket Skylt
31.56 SEK
Gemi Elettronica plast varningsskylt "ATTENTION" för elektriska staket el stängsel Tabellens mått: 13x25cm Material: plast Utskrift: outplånlig SIGNAGE BORD FÖR ELEKTRISK STÄCK Gul - plast - 130 mm x 250 mm Outplånlig utskrift Uppmärksamhet på flerspråkig. Fara tecken att markera närvaron av ett elektriskt staket Obligatoriskt enligt lag Att appliceras varje 50 m staket I ändringsförslag A12 anges att tecken varnar för närvaro av en struktur med elektrisk ström som passerar igenom måste placeras på ett avstånd av 50 meter från varandra och måste visa lämpligt handsymbol med de tre chockerna Fästs på staketet Synlig från stora avstånd. Tack vare dess ljusgul och dess höga kvalitet vilket gör det hållbart över tid Säker och certifierad. Sedan 1983 Uppmärksamhet åt din säkerhet. Sedan 1983 har vi haft specialister i företaget för konstruktion av produkter för elektriska staket. Att köpa en produkt Gemi Elettronica betyder att välja kvalitet och säkerhet. Ladda ner certifieringarna. Vad säger våra kunder? Den mest älskade i världen. vår kunder säger det Den första i världen i dess kategori tack vare tusentals positiva recensioner från hela världen på TrustPilot Läs dem alla Våra videorecensioner. Upptäck yttrandet från som har provat det. Hundratals videor mottogs av kunder precis som du. Titta på videorna. Fraktens tid och kostnad? Vi levererar överallt världen på 3/8 dagar arbetsdagar Ta reda på alla tider och kostnader här: Klicka här Hur kan jag betala? Mer än 10 metoder av betalning. Finns det en garanti på Gemi-staket? 3 år av garanti. På vilken komponent som helst av elektriska staket (elektrisk del eller struktur). 100 dagar att ompröva. Nöjd eller återbetalas. Vi behöver inte någon förklaring. Vi samlar in produkten på vår egen bekostnad och du får din återbetalning Fördelarna med att köpa från fabrik. 1) Gratis råd fram till problemet är definitivt löst. Du kommer att besvaras via telefon av vår specialiserade tekniker med åratal av erfarenhet inom området. Ring nu kl(+39) 02.87165556 eller skriv 2) Har du problem med någon av våra produkter? Vi kommer omedelbart att byta ut produkten 3) Fabrikspriser. Spara genom att inte köpa från återförsäljare. 4) 40 års erfarenhet inom branschen till din tjänst. 5) Designad och helt tillverkad i Italieni vår produktionsanläggning över 10 000 kvadratmeter.
Gemi Elettronica Horisontell Trådspänningsfjäder För Elstängsel
9.43 SEK
Horisontell trådspänningsfjäder för elstängsel, elektriska staket, elektrifierade staket Gemi Dragfjäder av rostfritt stål, lämplig för höga dragkrafter. Detaljer: extremt robust kvalitet, mycket slitstark. Mått på dragfjäder: längd 7,5 cm - tjocklek 2 cm Trådspänningsfjäder idealisk för elektriska staket för hästar, ponnyer, kor, getter, får, vildsvin, rådjur, nötkreatur etc. SPÄNNINGSVÅR FÖR TRÅD FÖR ELEKTRISK STÄCK rostfritt stål - 7,5 cm x 2 cm Idealisk för hög dragkrafter. Extremt robust kvalitet, mycket slitstark. För elektriska staket eller betesstaket Enkelt och effektivt Hög Ledningsförmåga Kompenserar för termisk expansion håller alltid tråden i spänning, oumbärlig för att inte överstiga gränsspänning. Säker och certifierad. Sedan 1983 Uppmärksamhet åt din säkerhet. Sedan 1983 har vi haft specialister i företaget för konstruktion av produkter för elektriska staket. Att köpa en produkt Gemi Elettronica betyder att välja kvalitet och säkerhet. Ladda ner certifieringarna. Vad säger våra kunder? Den mest älskade i världen. vår kunder säger det Den första i världen i dess kategori tack vare tusentals positiva recensioner från hela världen på TrustPilot Läs dem alla Våra videorecensioner. Upptäck yttrandet från som har provat det. Hundratals videor mottogs av kunder precis som du. Titta på videorna. Fraktens tid och kostnad? Vi levererar överallt världen på 3/8 dagar arbetsdagar Ta reda på alla tider och kostnader här: Klicka här Hur kan jag betala? Mer än 10 metoder av betalning. Finns det en garanti på Gemi-staket? 3 år av garanti. På vilken komponent som helst av elektriska staket (elektrisk del eller struktur). 100 dagar att ompröva. Nöjd eller återbetalas. Vi behöver inte någon förklaring. Vi samlar in produkten på vår egen bekostnad och du får din återbetalning Fördelarna med att köpa från fabrik. 1) Gratis råd fram till problemet är definitivt löst. Du kommer att besvaras via telefon av vår specialiserade tekniker med åratal av erfarenhet inom området. Ring nu kl(+39) 02.87165556 eller skriv 2) Har du problem med någon av våra produkter? Vi kommer omedelbart att byta ut produkten 3) Fabrikspriser. Spara genom att inte köpa från återförsäljare. 4) 40 års erfarenhet inom branschen till din tjänst. 5) Designad och helt tillverkad i Italieni vår produktionsanläggning över 10 000 kvadratmeter.
Gemi Elettronica Rökgasfläkt Skorstensfläktar Röksugare Skorstensfläkt Fläkt Till Skorsten Rökgasfläktar Brandgasfläktar Öppen Spis Utegrill Professionell
4448 SEK
ENFAS GEMI-KLASS H-MOTOR RESISTER 700 C° SUG PÅ 3800 M³ /h 6-VÄXLAD REGULATOR ROBUST ANTI-FLYKTIGT SKYDDSNÄT I ELEKTROWELDED STÅLRINGAR (överensstämmer med uni iso 13857) Justerbar fästkit för alla fyrkantiga eller rektangulära rök från 20x20 cm a 43x43 cm
Bambaw Bamboo Fitted Sheet, 160 x 200 cm, Cool Bedding for Summer and Winter Bedding for Better Sleep, Grey
642.3 SEK
Mjuka sängkläder: Det lyxiga dra-på-lakanet är mjukt som siden. Det gosiga dra-på-lakanet ger dig bättre sömn. Allergivänliga: De allergivänliga sängkläderna skyddar känslig hud och garanterar en bättre sömn. Till skillnad från bomull håller bambumaterialet dammkvalster borta samt förhindrar hud- och ögonirritation. Temperaturreglerande: Det grå lakanet försäkrar en behaglig återhämtning. Letar du efter svala sänglakan? Det grå lakanet på 160 x 200 är den perfekta lösningen. Högkvalitativt material: De grå dra-på-lakanen är en del av de ventilerande sängkläderna från Bambaw. Lakanet är tillverkat av 100 % bambufiber och mäter 160 x 200 x 35 cm. Lyxigt set med sängkläder: Kombinera madrassöverdraget på 160 x 200 med örngotten och påslakanen i bambu från sortimentet med sängkläder från Bambaw.
Bambaw Bamboo Fitted Sheet, 160 x 200 cm, Cooling Sheet for Allergy Sufferers, for Better Sleep, Dark Grey
641.14 SEK
Hypoallergen: Det allergivänliga monterade lakanet skapar en idealisk sovmiljö för personer med känslig hud. Kvalitetsmaterial: 1 x överlägsen kvalitet bambu europeisk kung anpassat lakan. Färg: Mörkgrå - mått 160 cm x 200 cm x 35 cm LYXIGT MJUKT: Det lyxiga rena dra-på-lakanet i bambu är lika mjukt som siden; denna mjukhet kommer att göra dina nätter underbara. Miljövänlig: Bambu är en naturligt förnybar resurs som växer snabbt, ekologisk och miljömässigt hållbar. Sov gott i dina sänglakan i bambu, veta att dessa är 100 % ekologiska och miljövänliga. Temperaturkontroll: Det svala monterade lakanet ger den bästa komforten för mysiga nätter. Bambutyg är naturligt andningsbart och absorberande vilket hjälper till att reglera kroppstemperaturen för att hålla den sval på sommaren och varm på vintern.
Bambaw Bamboo Fitted Sheet, 160 x 200 cm, Cooling Sheet for Allergy Sufferers, for Better Sleep, Black
641.14 SEK
Allergivänliga: De allergivänliga sängkläderna skyddar känslig hud och garanterar en bättre sömn. Till skillnad från bomull håller bambumaterialet dammkvalster borta samt förhindrar hud- och ögonirritation. Högkvalitativt material: Dra-på-lakanet är en del av serien med sängkläder i bambu från Bambaw. Lakanet är tillverkat av 100 % bambuviskos och mäter 160 x 200 x 35 cm. Lyxigt set med sängkläder: Kombinera dra-på-lakanet i antracitgrått på 160 x 200 med örngotten och påslakanen från serien med sängkläder i bambu från Bambaw. Mjuka sängkläder: De lyxiga dra-på-lakanen i bambu är mjuka som siden. De mjuka dra-på-lakanen garanterar en bättre sömn. Temperaturreglerande: Det svarta sänglakanet försäkrar en behaglig återhämtning. Letar du efter ett svalkande lakan? Bambaw-sänglakanet på 160 x 200 är den perfekta lösningen.
QQXUAN Area Rugs Living Room Blue Printed Rugs for Bedroom Watercolor sea creatures Floor Carpet Soft Touch Non Shedding Large Rug Easy to Clean 160 x 230 cm
127 SEK
Perfect Size Premium Material: Indulge in Ultimate Comfort with Our Spacious 140 X 200 cm Area Rug, Meticulously Crafted from Exceptionally Soft Flannel Fabric. the Fine, Pilling-Resistant Texture is Gentle on the Skin, While Tpe (Thermoplastic Elastomer) Technology Ensures Long-Lasting Protection for Your Floors, Making This Rug a Perfect Addition to Any Room Immersive 3D Visual Design: Transform Your Living Space with Our Stunning 3D Printed Area Rug, Showcasing Vibrant, Fade-Resistant Colours Derived from Natural Plant-Based Dyes. This Immersive Visual Masterpiece Not Only Elevates Your Decor But Brings a Sense of Lasting Beauty to Your Home.Create Your Perfect Rug with the Freedom to Choose Any Size and Design You Desire. Personalise It to Suit Your Space and Style Safety First with Anti-Slip Technology: Your Family’S Safety is Our Priority. the Advanced Tpr (Thermoplastic Rubber) Non-Slip Backing Keeps the Area Rug Securely in Place, Preventing Slips and Falls, Especially for Children. for Added Peace of Mind, We Include with Anti-Slip Carpet Clips for Extra Stability Versatile Decor Piece: Enhance Any Room with Our Versatile Area Rug, Perfect for Kitchens, Bedrooms, or Living Areas. It Seamlessly Blends with Existing Decor or Stands Out As a Vibrant Centerpiece, Making It a Welcoming Addition for Family and Friends Effortless Maintenance: Enjoy Hassle-Free Upkeep with Our Stain-Resistant Area Rug, Safe for Both Kids and Pets. Keeping Your Large Living Room Rug Looking Pristine is Easy with Simple Spot-Cleaning or Vacuuming Routines, Allowing You to Appreciate Its Enduallure with Minimal Effort
QQXUAN Area Rugs Living Room Black and white Rugs for Bedroom Modern Floor Carpet Illusion Tunnel Non Shedding Durable Super Soft Printed Small Rug Easy to clean washable 160 x 230 cm
127 SEK
Perfect Size & Premium Material: Experience Unparalleled Comfort with Our 60 X 110 cm Area Rugs, Meticulously Crafted from Premium, Exceptionally Soft Flannel Fabric. the Fine, Pilling-Resistant Texturesses Your Skin, While Our Advanced Tpe (Thermoplastic Elastomer) Technology Ensures Long-Lasting Floor Protection, Making This Rug a Luxurious Addition to Any Living Space Immersive 3D Visual Design: Elevate Your Decor with Our Breathtaking 3D Printed Area Rugs, Featuvibrant, Fade-Resistant Hues Derived from Natural Plant-Based Dyes. This Immersive Visual Masterpiece Not Only Enhances Your Room's Aesthetic But Also Infuses It with Endubeauty Safety First with Anti-Slip Technology: Your Family's Safety is Paramount. Our Area Rugs Boast an Advanced Tpr (Thermoplastic Rubber) Non-Slip Backing to Keep the Rug Securely in Place, Minimising the Risk of Slips and Falls. for Added Security, We Include Anti-Slip Carpet Clips for Extra Stability Versatile Decor Piece: Our Area Rugs Are the Perfect Accent for Any Room, Whether It's the Kitchen, Bedroom, or Living Area. They Effortlessly Complement Existing Decor or Stand Out As a Vibrant Focal Point, Creating a Warm Welcome for Family and Friends Customisable: Personalise Your Space with Our Bespoke Area Rug Service. Choose Any Size and Design to Create a Rug That Perfectly Complements Your Style and Room, Ensua Unique and Luxurious Touch to Your Home
QQXUAN Area Rugs Living Room Blue Black Rugs for Bedroom Modern Floor Carpet Alcohol ink gold paint marble Non Shedding Durable Super Soft Printed Small Rug Easy to clean washable 160 x 230 cm
127 SEK
Perfect Size Premium Material: Indulge in Ultimate Comfort with Our Spacious 60 X 110 cm Area Rug, Meticulously Crafted from Exceptionally Soft Flannel Fabric. the Fine, Pilling-Resistant Texture is Gentle on the Skin, While Tpe (Thermoplastic Elastomer) Technology Ensures Long-Lasting Protection for Your Floors, Making This Rug a Perfect Addition to Any Room Immersive 3D Visual Design: Transform Your Living Space with Our Stunning 3D Printed Area Rug, Showcasing Vibrant, Fade-Resistant Colours Derived from Natural Plant-Based Dyes. This Immersive Visual Masterpiece Not Only Elevates Your Decor But Brings a Sense of Lasting Beauty to Your Home.Create Your Perfect Rug with the Freedom to Choose Any Size and Design You Desire. Personalise It to Suit Your Space and Style Safety First with Anti-Slip Technology: Your Family’S Safety is Our Priority. the Advanced Tpr (Thermoplastic Rubber) Non-Slip Backing Keeps the Area Rug Securely in Place, Preventing Slips and Falls, Especially for Children. for Added Peace of Mind, We Include with Anti-Slip Carpet Clips for Extra Stability Versatile Decor Piece: Enhance Any Room with Our Versatile Area Rug, Perfect for Kitchens, Bedrooms, or Living Areas. It Seamlessly Blends with Existing Decor or Stands Out As a Vibrant Centerpiece, Making It a Welcoming Addition for Family and Friends Effortless Maintenance: Enjoy Hassle-Free Upkeep with Our Stain-Resistant Area Rug, Safe for Both Kids and Pets. Keeping Your Large Living Room Rug Looking Pristine is Easy with Simple Spot-Cleaning or Vacuuming Routines, Allowing You to Appreciate Its Enduallure with Minimal Effort
QQXUAN Area Rugs Living Room Gray Rugs for Bedroom Modern Floor Carpet Beach Dawn White Sand Non Shedding Durable Super Soft Printed Small Rug Easy to clean washable 160 x 230 cm
127 SEK
Perfect Size & Premium Material: Experience Unparalleled Comfort with Our 60 X 110 cm Area Rugs, Meticulously Crafted from Premium, Exceptionally Soft Flannel Fabric. the Fine, Pilling-Resistant Texturesses Your Skin, While Our Advanced Tpe (Thermoplastic Elastomer) Technology Ensures Long-Lasting Floor Protection, Making This Rug a Luxurious Addition to Any Living Space Immersive 3D Visual Design: Elevate Your Decor with Our Breathtaking 3D Printed Area Rugs, Featuvibrant, Fade-Resistant Hues Derived from Natural Plant-Based Dyes. This Immersive Visual Masterpiece Not Only Enhances Your Room's Aesthetic But Also Infuses It with Endubeauty Safety First with Anti-Slip Technology: Your Family's Safety is Paramount. Our Area Rugs Boast an Advanced Tpr (Thermoplastic Rubber) Non-Slip Backing to Keep the Rug Securely in Place, Minimising the Risk of Slips and Falls. for Added Security, We Include Anti-Slip Carpet Clips for Extra Stability Versatile Decor Piece: Our Area Rugs Are the Perfect Accent for Any Room, Whether It's the Kitchen, Bedroom, or Living Area. They Effortlessly Complement Existing Decor or Stand Out As a Vibrant Focal Point, Creating a Warm Welcome for Family and Friends Customisable: Personalise Your Space with Our Bespoke Area Rug Service. Choose Any Size and Design to Create a Rug That Perfectly Complements Your Style and Room, Ensua Unique and Luxurious Touch to Your Home
QQXUAN Area Rugs Living Room Gold and Black Rugs for Bedroom Modern Floor Carpet Botanical tropical leaves Non Shedding Durable Super Soft Printed Small Rug Easy to clean washable 160 x 230 cm
127 SEK
Perfect Size & Premium Material: Experience Unparalleled Comfort with Our 60 X 110 cm Area Rugs, Meticulously Crafted from Premium, Exceptionally Soft Flannel Fabric. the Fine, Pilling-Resistant Texturesses Your Skin, While Our Advanced Tpe (Thermoplastic Elastomer) Technology Ensures Long-Lasting Floor Protection, Making This Rug a Luxurious Addition to Any Living Space Immersive 3D Visual Design: Elevate Your Decor with Our Breathtaking 3D Printed Area Rugs, Featuvibrant, Fade-Resistant Hues Derived from Natural Plant-Based Dyes. This Immersive Visual Masterpiece Not Only Enhances Your Room's Aesthetic But Also Infuses It with Endubeauty Safety First with Anti-Slip Technology: Your Family's Safety is Paramount. Our Area Rugs Boast an Advanced Tpr (Thermoplastic Rubber) Non-Slip Backing to Keep the Rug Securely in Place, Minimising the Risk of Slips and Falls. for Added Security, We Include Anti-Slip Carpet Clips for Extra Stability Versatile Decor Piece: Our Area Rugs Are the Perfect Accent for Any Room, Whether It's the Kitchen, Bedroom, or Living Area. They Effortlessly Complement Existing Decor or Stand Out As a Vibrant Focal Point, Creating a Warm Welcome for Family and Friends Customisable: Personalise Your Space with Our Bespoke Area Rug Service. Choose Any Size and Design to Create a Rug That Perfectly Complements Your Style and Room, Ensua Unique and Luxurious Touch to Your Home
QQXUAN Area Rugs Living Room Purple Rugs for Bedroom Modern Floor Carpet Peacock feather lens Non Shedding Durable Super Soft Printed Small Rug Easy to clean washable 160 x 230 cm
127 SEK
Perfect Size Premium Material: Indulge in Ultimate Comfort with Our Spacious 60 X 110 cm Area Rug, Meticulously Crafted from Exceptionally Soft Flannel Fabric. the Fine, Pilling-Resistant Texture is Gentle on the Skin, While Tpe (Thermoplastic Elastomer) Technology Ensures Long-Lasting Protection for Your Floors, Making This Rug a Perfect Addition to Any Room Immersive 3D Visual Design: Transform Your Living Space with Our Stunning 3D Printed Area Rug, Showcasing Vibrant, Fade-Resistant Colours Derived from Natural Plant-Based Dyes. This Immersive Visual Masterpiece Not Only Elevates Your Decor But Brings a Sense of Lasting Beauty to Your Home.Create Your Perfect Rug with the Freedom to Choose Any Size and Design You Desire. Personalise It to Suit Your Space and Style Safety First with Anti-Slip Technology: Your Family’S Safety is Our Priority. the Advanced Tpr (Thermoplastic Rubber) Non-Slip Backing Keeps the Area Rug Securely in Place, Preventing Slips and Falls, Especially for Children. for Added Peace of Mind, We Include with Anti-Slip Carpet Clips for Extra Stability Versatile Decor Piece: Enhance Any Room with Our Versatile Area Rug, Perfect for Kitchens, Bedrooms, or Living Areas. It Seamlessly Blends with Existing Decor or Stands Out As a Vibrant Centerpiece, Making It a Welcoming Addition for Family and Friends Effortless Maintenance: Enjoy Hassle-Free Upkeep with Our Stain-Resistant Area Rug, Safe for Both Kids and Pets. Keeping Your Large Living Room Rug Looking Pristine is Easy with Simple Spot-Cleaning or Vacuuming Routines, Allowing You to Appreciate Its Enduallure with Minimal Effort
GOUSUN Large Rug Carpet Runner 160 x 400 cm Area Rugs for Bedroom Anti Slip Patterned Rug Many Different Sizes for Bedroom Anti Slip, Himmelsblå
1244.39 SEK
✨【Durable & Cozy Shaggy Rug】:Crafted from high-quality polyester, this luxurious faux fur rug adds a soft, cozy touch to any room. Perfect for the bedroom, it promotes a warm and inviting atmosphere, offering comfort and style with vibrant colors and a plush texture. The rug’s shedding-free, odorless fabric ensures long-lasting beauty and functionality. 🔒【Non-Slip Bottom for Safety】:Equipped with thousands of plastic bead dots, the rug’s non-slip bottom provides enhanced friction, keeping it securely in place without damaging your floors. Ideal for high-traffic areas, this feature ensures your rug stays where you want it. 👣【Soft & Fluffy Comfort】:Indulge your feet with a soft, fluffy rug that feels like a massage with every step. Designed to provide protection against cold, hard floors, its thick, high-quality shag pile offers luxurious comfort and a touch of elegance to your space. 🛋【Elegant & Modern Décor】:With a minimalist design and solid color options, this rug brings warmth and sophistication to any room. Its clean, modern aesthetic complements various interior styles, creating a peaceful and inviting environment. 📏【Versatile & Stylish Sizing】:Available in a range of sizes, this rug is perfect for any room. Whether placed in the living room, bedroom, or hallway, its stylish shaggy design adds charm and enhances the overall decor. 🧽【Easy to Clean & Maintain】:For daily care, simply vacuum the rug with a hand-held vacuum. For a deeper clean, gently wash by hand with mild detergent and air dry in a well-ventilated area. Avoid direct sunlight to maintain its beauty. 🏡【 Transform Your Home】:Instantly elevate your room’s décor with this eye-catching rug. Its vibrant colors and soft texture not only provide comfort but also serve as a key decorative piece that enhances the ambiance of your home. 🌟【Perfect for Any Room】:Ideal for living rooms, bedrooms, children’s rooms, or nurseries, this rug adapts to various spaces and decor needs. It’s the perfect gift for creating a cozy, stylish atmosphere in your home.
GOUSUN Fluffy Bedroom Rug 160 x 170 cm Area Rugs for Bedroom Anti Slip Living Room Bedroom Carpets Runner Rug with Non-Slip Back for Bedroom Anti Slip, benvit
565.39 SEK
✨【Durable & Cozy Shaggy Rug】:Crafted from high-quality polyester, this luxurious faux fur rug adds a soft, cozy touch to any room. Perfect for the bedroom, it promotes a warm and inviting atmosphere, offering comfort and style with vibrant colors and a plush texture. The rug’s shedding-free, odorless fabric ensures long-lasting beauty and functionality. 🔒【Non-Slip Bottom for Safety】:Equipped with thousands of plastic bead dots, the rug’s non-slip bottom provides enhanced friction, keeping it securely in place without damaging your floors. Ideal for high-traffic areas, this feature ensures your rug stays where you want it. 👣【Soft & Fluffy Comfort】:Indulge your feet with a soft, fluffy rug that feels like a massage with every step. Designed to provide protection against cold, hard floors, its thick, high-quality shag pile offers luxurious comfort and a touch of elegance to your space. 🛋【Elegant & Modern Décor】:With a minimalist design and solid color options, this rug brings warmth and sophistication to any room. Its clean, modern aesthetic complements various interior styles, creating a peaceful and inviting environment. 📏【Versatile & Stylish Sizing】:Available in a range of sizes, this rug is perfect for any room. Whether placed in the living room, bedroom, or hallway, its stylish shaggy design adds charm and enhances the overall decor. 🧽【Easy to Clean & Maintain】:For daily care, simply vacuum the rug with a hand-held vacuum. For a deeper clean, gently wash by hand with mild detergent and air dry in a well-ventilated area. Avoid direct sunlight to maintain its beauty. 🏡【 Transform Your Home】:Instantly elevate your room’s décor with this eye-catching rug. Its vibrant colors and soft texture not only provide comfort but also serve as a key decorative piece that enhances the ambiance of your home. 🌟【Perfect for Any Room】:Ideal for living rooms, bedrooms, children’s rooms, or nurseries, this rug adapts to various spaces and decor needs. It’s the perfect gift for creating a cozy, stylish atmosphere in your home.
QQXUAN Area Rugs Living Room Green Rugs for Bedroom Modern Floor Carpet Simple emerald geometric frame Non Shedding Durable Super Soft Printed Small Rug Easy to clean washable 160 x 230 cm
127 SEK
Perfect Size Premium Material: Indulge in Ultimate Comfort with Our Spacious 120 X 180 cm Area Rug, Meticulously Crafted from Exceptionally Soft Flannel Fabric. the Fine, Pilling-Resistant Texture is Gentle on the Skin, While Tpe (Thermoplastic Elastomer) Technology Ensures Long-Lasting Protection for Your Floors, Making This Rug a Perfect Addition to Any Room Immersive 3D Visual Design: Transform Your Living Space with Our Stunning 3D Printed Area Rug, Showcasing Vibrant, Fade-Resistant Colours Derived from Natural Plant-Based Dyes. This Immersive Visual Masterpiece Not Only Elevates Your Decor But Brings a Sense of Lasting Beauty to Your Home.Create Your Perfect Rug with the Freedom to Choose Any Size and Design You Desire. Personalise It to Suit Your Space and Style Safety First with Anti-Slip Technology: Your Family’S Safety is Our Priority. the Advanced Tpr (Thermoplastic Rubber) Non-Slip Backing Keeps the Area Rug Securely in Place, Preventing Slips and Falls, Especially for Children. for Added Peace of Mind, We Include with Anti-Slip Carpet Clips for Extra Stability Versatile Decor Piece: Enhance Any Room with Our Versatile Area Rug, Perfect for Kitchens, Bedrooms, or Living Areas. It Seamlessly Blends with Existing Decor or Stands Out As a Vibrant Centerpiece, Making It a Welcoming Addition for Family and Friends Effortless Maintenance: Enjoy Hassle-Free Upkeep with Our Stain-Resistant Area Rug, Safe for Both Kids and Pets. Keeping Your Large Living Room Rug Looking Pristine is Easy with Simple Spot-Cleaning or Vacuuming Routines, Allowing You to Appreciate Its Enduallure with Minimal Effort
QQXUAN Area Rugs Living Room White and blue Rugs for Bedroom Modern Floor Carpet Horses on the sea surface Non Shedding Durable Super Soft Printed Small Rug Easy to clean washable 160 x 230 cm
127 SEK
Perfect Size & Premium Material: Experience Unparalleled Comfort with Our 60 X 110 cm Area Rugs, Meticulously Crafted from Premium, Exceptionally Soft Flannel Fabric. the Fine, Pilling-Resistant Texturesses Your Skin, While Our Advanced Tpe (Thermoplastic Elastomer) Technology Ensures Long-Lasting Floor Protection, Making This Rug a Luxurious Addition to Any Living Space Immersive 3D Visual Design: Elevate Your Decor with Our Breathtaking 3D Printed Area Rugs, Featuvibrant, Fade-Resistant Hues Derived from Natural Plant-Based Dyes. This Immersive Visual Masterpiece Not Only Enhances Your Room's Aesthetic But Also Infuses It with Endubeauty Safety First with Anti-Slip Technology: Your Family's Safety is Paramount. Our Area Rugs Boast an Advanced Tpr (Thermoplastic Rubber) Non-Slip Backing to Keep the Rug Securely in Place, Minimising the Risk of Slips and Falls. for Added Security, We Include Anti-Slip Carpet Clips for Extra Stability Versatile Decor Piece: Our Area Rugs Are the Perfect Accent for Any Room, Whether It's the Kitchen, Bedroom, or Living Area. They Effortlessly Complement Existing Decor or Stand Out As a Vibrant Focal Point, Creating a Warm Welcome for Family and Friends Customisable: Personalise Your Space with Our Bespoke Area Rug Service. Choose Any Size and Design to Create a Rug That Perfectly Complements Your Style and Room, Ensua Unique and Luxurious Touch to Your Home
GOUSUN Runner Rugs for Hallway Non Slip 100 x 160 cm Durability & Longevity Artificial Grass Carpet Rug Fluffy Bedroom for Bedroom Anti Slip, Vit
359.39 SEK
✨【Durable & Cozy Shaggy Rug】:Crafted from high-quality polyester, this luxurious faux fur rug adds a soft, cozy touch to any room. Perfect for the bedroom, it promotes a warm and inviting atmosphere, offering comfort and style with vibrant colors and a plush texture. The rug’s shedding-free, odorless fabric ensures long-lasting beauty and functionality. 🔒【Non-Slip Bottom for Safety】:Equipped with thousands of plastic bead dots, the rug’s non-slip bottom provides enhanced friction, keeping it securely in place without damaging your floors. Ideal for high-traffic areas, this feature ensures your rug stays where you want it. 👣【Soft & Fluffy Comfort】:Indulge your feet with a soft, fluffy rug that feels like a massage with every step. Designed to provide protection against cold, hard floors, its thick, high-quality shag pile offers luxurious comfort and a touch of elegance to your space. 🛋【Elegant & Modern Décor】:With a minimalist design and solid color options, this rug brings warmth and sophistication to any room. Its clean, modern aesthetic complements various interior styles, creating a peaceful and inviting environment. 📏【Versatile & Stylish Sizing】:Available in a range of sizes, this rug is perfect for any room. Whether placed in the living room, bedroom, or hallway, its stylish shaggy design adds charm and enhances the overall decor. 🧽【Easy to Clean & Maintain】:For daily care, simply vacuum the rug with a hand-held vacuum. For a deeper clean, gently wash by hand with mild detergent and air dry in a well-ventilated area. Avoid direct sunlight to maintain its beauty. 🏡【 Transform Your Home】:Instantly elevate your room’s décor with this eye-catching rug. Its vibrant colors and soft texture not only provide comfort but also serve as a key decorative piece that enhances the ambiance of your home. 🌟【Perfect for Any Room】:Ideal for living rooms, bedrooms, children’s rooms, or nurseries, this rug adapts to various spaces and decor needs. It’s the perfect gift for creating a cozy, stylish atmosphere in your home.
GOUSUN Modern Rugs Shaggy Rugs 160 x 240 cm Modern & Stylish Designs Artificial Grass Carpet Runner Rug with Non-Slip Back for Bedroom Anti Slip, Grå
771.39 SEK
✨【Durable & Cozy Shaggy Rug】:Crafted from high-quality polyester, this luxurious faux fur rug adds a soft, cozy touch to any room. Perfect for the bedroom, it promotes a warm and inviting atmosphere, offering comfort and style with vibrant colors and a plush texture. The rug’s shedding-free, odorless fabric ensures long-lasting beauty and functionality. 🔒【Non-Slip Bottom for Safety】:Equipped with thousands of plastic bead dots, the rug’s non-slip bottom provides enhanced friction, keeping it securely in place without damaging your floors. Ideal for high-traffic areas, this feature ensures your rug stays where you want it. 👣【Soft & Fluffy Comfort】:Indulge your feet with a soft, fluffy rug that feels like a massage with every step. Designed to provide protection against cold, hard floors, its thick, high-quality shag pile offers luxurious comfort and a touch of elegance to your space. 🛋【Elegant & Modern Décor】:With a minimalist design and solid color options, this rug brings warmth and sophistication to any room. Its clean, modern aesthetic complements various interior styles, creating a peaceful and inviting environment. 📏【Versatile & Stylish Sizing】:Available in a range of sizes, this rug is perfect for any room. Whether placed in the living room, bedroom, or hallway, its stylish shaggy design adds charm and enhances the overall decor. 🧽【Easy to Clean & Maintain】:For daily care, simply vacuum the rug with a hand-held vacuum. For a deeper clean, gently wash by hand with mild detergent and air dry in a well-ventilated area. Avoid direct sunlight to maintain its beauty. 🏡【 Transform Your Home】:Instantly elevate your room’s décor with this eye-catching rug. Its vibrant colors and soft texture not only provide comfort but also serve as a key decorative piece that enhances the ambiance of your home. 🌟【Perfect for Any Room】:Ideal for living rooms, bedrooms, children’s rooms, or nurseries, this rug adapts to various spaces and decor needs. It’s the perfect gift for creating a cozy, stylish atmosphere in your home.
QQXUAN Area Rugs For Living Room 3D Detailed world map Printed Flannel Black and Beige Carpets, Extra Large Size Soft Rugs Anti Slip Washable Floor Mats For Bedroom Kids Room Decor 160 x 230 cm
1835.94 SEK
Perfect Size & Premium Material: Experience Unparalleled Comfort with Our 60 X 110 cm Area Rugs, Meticulously Crafted from Premium, Exceptionally Soft Flannel Fabric. the Fine, Pilling-Resistant Texturesses Your Skin, While Our Advanced Tpe (Thermoplastic Elastomer) Technology Ensures Long-Lasting Floor Protection, Making This Rug a Luxurious Addition to Any Living Space Immersive 3D Visual Design: Elevate Your Decor with Our Breathtaking 3D Printed Area Rugs, Featuvibrant, Fade-Resistant Hues Derived from Natural Plant-Based Dyes. This Immersive Visual Masterpiece Not Only Enhances Your Room's Aesthetic But Also Infuses It with Endubeauty Safety First with Anti-Slip Technology: Your Family's Safety is Paramount. Our Area Rugs Boast an Advanced Tpr (Thermoplastic Rubber) Non-Slip Backing to Keep the Rug Securely in Place, Minimising the Risk of Slips and Falls. for Added Security, We Include Anti-Slip Carpet Clips for Extra Stability Versatile Decor Piece: Our Area Rugs Are the Perfect Accent for Any Room, Whether It's the Kitchen, Bedroom, or Living Area. They Effortlessly Complement Existing Decor or Stand Out As a Vibrant Focal Point, Creating a Warm Welcome for Family and Friends Customisable: Personalise Your Space with Our Bespoke Area Rug Service. Choose Any Size and Design to Create a Rug That Perfectly Complements Your Style and Room, Ensua Unique and Luxurious Touch to Your Home
QQXUAN Area Rugs Living Room Grey Rugs for Bedroom Modern Floor Carpet Desert sand texture ripples Non Shedding Durable Super Soft Printed Small Rug Easy to clean washable 160 x 230 cm
127 SEK
Perfect Size Premium Material: Indulge in Ultimate Comfort with Our Spacious 60 X 110 cm Area Rug, Meticulously Crafted from Exceptionally Soft Flannel Fabric. the Fine, Pilling-Resistant Texture is Gentle on the Skin, While Tpe (Thermoplastic Elastomer) Technology Ensures Long-Lasting Protection for Your Floors, Making This Rug a Perfect Addition to Any Room Immersive 3D Visual Design: Transform Your Living Space with Our Stunning 3D Printed Area Rug, Showcasing Vibrant, Fade-Resistant Colours Derived from Natural Plant-Based Dyes. This Immersive Visual Masterpiece Not Only Elevates Your Decor But Brings a Sense of Lasting Beauty to Your Home.Create Your Perfect Rug with the Freedom to Choose Any Size and Design You Desire. Personalise It to Suit Your Space and Style Safety First with Anti-Slip Technology: Your Family’S Safety is Our Priority. the Advanced Tpr (Thermoplastic Rubber) Non-Slip Backing Keeps the Area Rug Securely in Place, Preventing Slips and Falls, Especially for Children. for Added Peace of Mind, We Include with Anti-Slip Carpet Clips for Extra Stability Versatile Decor Piece: Enhance Any Room with Our Versatile Area Rug, Perfect for Kitchens, Bedrooms, or Living Areas. It Seamlessly Blends with Existing Decor or Stands Out As a Vibrant Centerpiece, Making It a Welcoming Addition for Family and Friends Effortless Maintenance: Enjoy Hassle-Free Upkeep with Our Stain-Resistant Area Rug, Safe for Both Kids and Pets. Keeping Your Large Living Room Rug Looking Pristine is Easy with Simple Spot-Cleaning or Vacuuming Routines, Allowing You to Appreciate Its Enduallure with Minimal Effort
GOUSUN Rugs Living Room 160 x 230 cm Durability & Longevity Patterned Rug Many Different Sizes for Bedroom Anti Slip, brun
743.39 SEK
✨【Durable & Cozy Shaggy Rug】:Crafted from high-quality polyester, this luxurious faux fur rug adds a soft, cozy touch to any room. Perfect for the bedroom, it promotes a warm and inviting atmosphere, offering comfort and style with vibrant colors and a plush texture. The rug’s shedding-free, odorless fabric ensures long-lasting beauty and functionality. 🔒【Non-Slip Bottom for Safety】:Equipped with thousands of plastic bead dots, the rug’s non-slip bottom provides enhanced friction, keeping it securely in place without damaging your floors. Ideal for high-traffic areas, this feature ensures your rug stays where you want it. 👣【Soft & Fluffy Comfort】:Indulge your feet with a soft, fluffy rug that feels like a massage with every step. Designed to provide protection against cold, hard floors, its thick, high-quality shag pile offers luxurious comfort and a touch of elegance to your space. 🛋【Elegant & Modern Décor】:With a minimalist design and solid color options, this rug brings warmth and sophistication to any room. Its clean, modern aesthetic complements various interior styles, creating a peaceful and inviting environment. 📏【Versatile & Stylish Sizing】:Available in a range of sizes, this rug is perfect for any room. Whether placed in the living room, bedroom, or hallway, its stylish shaggy design adds charm and enhances the overall decor. 🧽【Easy to Clean & Maintain】:For daily care, simply vacuum the rug with a hand-held vacuum. For a deeper clean, gently wash by hand with mild detergent and air dry in a well-ventilated area. Avoid direct sunlight to maintain its beauty. 🏡【 Transform Your Home】:Instantly elevate your room’s décor with this eye-catching rug. Its vibrant colors and soft texture not only provide comfort but also serve as a key decorative piece that enhances the ambiance of your home. 🌟【Perfect for Any Room】:Ideal for living rooms, bedrooms, children’s rooms, or nurseries, this rug adapts to various spaces and decor needs. It’s the perfect gift for creating a cozy, stylish atmosphere in your home.
GOUSUN Modern Rugs Shaggy Rugs 160 x 390 cm Non-Slip Underside Stain-Resistant Carpet Washable Entrance Rug Runner for Bedroom Anti Slip, Vit
1213.39 SEK
✨【Durable & Cozy Shaggy Rug】:Crafted from high-quality polyester, this luxurious faux fur rug adds a soft, cozy touch to any room. Perfect for the bedroom, it promotes a warm and inviting atmosphere, offering comfort and style with vibrant colors and a plush texture. The rug’s shedding-free, odorless fabric ensures long-lasting beauty and functionality. 🔒【Non-Slip Bottom for Safety】:Equipped with thousands of plastic bead dots, the rug’s non-slip bottom provides enhanced friction, keeping it securely in place without damaging your floors. Ideal for high-traffic areas, this feature ensures your rug stays where you want it. 👣【Soft & Fluffy Comfort】:Indulge your feet with a soft, fluffy rug that feels like a massage with every step. Designed to provide protection against cold, hard floors, its thick, high-quality shag pile offers luxurious comfort and a touch of elegance to your space. 🛋【Elegant & Modern Décor】:With a minimalist design and solid color options, this rug brings warmth and sophistication to any room. Its clean, modern aesthetic complements various interior styles, creating a peaceful and inviting environment. 📏【Versatile & Stylish Sizing】:Available in a range of sizes, this rug is perfect for any room. Whether placed in the living room, bedroom, or hallway, its stylish shaggy design adds charm and enhances the overall decor. 🧽【Easy to Clean & Maintain】:For daily care, simply vacuum the rug with a hand-held vacuum. For a deeper clean, gently wash by hand with mild detergent and air dry in a well-ventilated area. Avoid direct sunlight to maintain its beauty. 🏡【 Transform Your Home】:Instantly elevate your room’s décor with this eye-catching rug. Its vibrant colors and soft texture not only provide comfort but also serve as a key decorative piece that enhances the ambiance of your home. 🌟【Perfect for Any Room】:Ideal for living rooms, bedrooms, children’s rooms, or nurseries, this rug adapts to various spaces and decor needs. It’s the perfect gift for creating a cozy, stylish atmosphere in your home.
XUEDNGM Mycket Lång Korridor Hall Runner Area Matta 85 x 160 cm No Shedding Tvättbar Lätt Lång Löparmatta Matta Runner Mattor för Hall Runner Mattor Halkfria for Hallway Kitchen, C
586.99 SEK
🌅Hallway Runner: Gör en djärv inverkan på alla moderna interiörer med vårt sortiment av hallway runners, en briljant lösning för att förhindra att smuts och lera spåras genom ditt hem. Med en livlig design är dessa mattlöpare perfekta för alla inomhusutrymmen, inklusive dina hallar, kök, sovrum, kontor, trappor och avsats. 🌷Lätt att rengöra och underhålla: Dammsug helt enkelt med en handdammsugare, sopa med en kvast eller använd en trädgårdsslang för att skölja mattan utomhus. För en djupare rengöring, maskintvättad och torkad! Oroa dig inte för att fiber ska falla. 🎀Non Slip Hallway Runner --- Kökslöparmattan är designad med TPR-underlag, därför kan den stanna på plats på olika golv (som lövträ, laminat, marmor och klinkergolv), ge säker dragkraft och garantera säkerheten av din familj och husdjur. VARMT ANMÄRKNING: Placera löparmattan endast på rent, torrt, slätt golv, annars kan den halka. 🌞Storlek: Oavsett om du behöver en specifik längd för din trappa, en snygg dörrmatta eller en korridor, har vi en rad anpassningsbara storlekar för att passa dina behov. ⛵Mjuk korridormatta med låg lugg: För att öka mjukheten i korridormattan är den här mattan gjord av kristall sammetstyg, vilket gör mattan supermjuk samtidigt som den förhindrar blekning. Designen med hög densitet och låg lugg gör denna matta bekväm att använda i korridorer, under möbler och i entréer utan att blockera dörröppningar. 🌌Tålig och lätt att rengöra --- Tillverkad av högkvalitativ nylon och tillverkad av förstärkt kantteknik, denna mattlöpare är hållbar, inte lätt att falla isär, fläckbeständig, fäller inte och lätt att rengöra. Du kan dammsuga den regelbundet, fläckrengöra eller ta bort den smutsiga delen, tvätta den med handen eller tvättmaskin, mycket bekvämt och enkelt att göra, vilket sparar tid och energi. 🌟Obs! Eftersom vår dörrmatta viks och transporteras tar det lite tid innan den blir helt slät. Vik ut produkten i motsatt ordning och placera några tunga föremål på den under en tid eller använd ett ångstrykjärn för att stryka den platt. 🛎️Bekymmersfri garanti: På grund av olika fotograferingsljus och -vinklar kan färgen på mattan du får vara något annorlunda än produktbilden, vilket är normalt. Om du har några frågor om våra mattor är du välkommen att kontakta oss så ger vi dig det mest tillfredsställande svaret.
GOUSUN Modern Rugs Shaggy Rugs 160 x 350 cm Modern & Stylish Designs Stain-Resistant Carpet Runner Rug with Non-Slip Back for Bedroom Anti Slip, Röd
1096.39 SEK
✨【Durable & Cozy Shaggy Rug】:Crafted from high-quality polyester, this luxurious faux fur rug adds a soft, cozy touch to any room. Perfect for the bedroom, it promotes a warm and inviting atmosphere, offering comfort and style with vibrant colors and a plush texture. The rug’s shedding-free, odorless fabric ensures long-lasting beauty and functionality. 🔒【Non-Slip Bottom for Safety】:Equipped with thousands of plastic bead dots, the rug’s non-slip bottom provides enhanced friction, keeping it securely in place without damaging your floors. Ideal for high-traffic areas, this feature ensures your rug stays where you want it. 👣【Soft & Fluffy Comfort】:Indulge your feet with a soft, fluffy rug that feels like a massage with every step. Designed to provide protection against cold, hard floors, its thick, high-quality shag pile offers luxurious comfort and a touch of elegance to your space. 🛋【Elegant & Modern Décor】:With a minimalist design and solid color options, this rug brings warmth and sophistication to any room. Its clean, modern aesthetic complements various interior styles, creating a peaceful and inviting environment. 📏【Versatile & Stylish Sizing】:Available in a range of sizes, this rug is perfect for any room. Whether placed in the living room, bedroom, or hallway, its stylish shaggy design adds charm and enhances the overall decor. 🧽【Easy to Clean & Maintain】:For daily care, simply vacuum the rug with a hand-held vacuum. For a deeper clean, gently wash by hand with mild detergent and air dry in a well-ventilated area. Avoid direct sunlight to maintain its beauty. 🏡【 Transform Your Home】:Instantly elevate your room’s décor with this eye-catching rug. Its vibrant colors and soft texture not only provide comfort but also serve as a key decorative piece that enhances the ambiance of your home. 🌟【Perfect for Any Room】:Ideal for living rooms, bedrooms, children’s rooms, or nurseries, this rug adapts to various spaces and decor needs. It’s the perfect gift for creating a cozy, stylish atmosphere in your home.
QQXUAN Rug for living room 160 x 230 cm Machine Washable Cowboy pattern four sides Area Rugs Non-Slip Dark Yellow Mat Short Pile Floor Carpet Rugs for Boys Teens Bedroom Living Room Decor
127 SEK
Perfect Size Premium Material: Indulge in Ultimate Comfort with Our Spacious 60 X 110 cm Area Rug, Meticulously Crafted from Exceptionally Soft Flannel Fabric. the Fine, Pilling-Resistant Texture is Gentle on the Skin, While Tpe (Thermoplastic Elastomer) Technology Ensures Long-Lasting Protection for Your Floors, Making This Rug a Perfect Addition to Any Room Immersive 3D Visual Design: Transform Your Living Space with Our Stunning 3D Printed Area Rug, Showcasing Vibrant, Fade-Resistant Colours Derived from Natural Plant-Based Dyes. This Immersive Visual Masterpiece Not Only Elevates Your Decor But Brings a Sense of Lasting Beauty to Your Home.Create Your Perfect Rug with the Freedom to Choose Any Size and Design You Desire. Personalise It to Suit Your Space and Style Safety First with Anti-Slip Technology: Your Family’S Safety is Our Priority. the Advanced Tpr (Thermoplastic Rubber) Non-Slip Backing Keeps the Area Rug Securely in Place, Preventing Slips and Falls, Especially for Children. for Added Peace of Mind, We Include with Anti-Slip Carpet Clips for Extra Stability Versatile Decor Piece: Enhance Any Room with Our Versatile Area Rug, Perfect for Kitchens, Bedrooms, or Living Areas. It Seamlessly Blends with Existing Decor or Stands Out As a Vibrant Centerpiece, Making It a Welcoming Addition for Family and Friends Effortless Maintenance: Enjoy Hassle-Free Upkeep with Our Stain-Resistant Area Rug, Safe for Both Kids and Pets. Keeping Your Large Living Room Rug Looking Pristine is Easy with Simple Spot-Cleaning or Vacuuming Routines, Allowing You to Appreciate Its Enduallure with Minimal Effort
QQXUAN Rug for living room 160 x 230 cm Machine Washable Watercolor palm tree leaves Area Rugs Non-Slip Green Mat Short Pile Floor Carpet Rugs for Boys Teens Bedroom Living Room Decor
127 SEK
Perfect Size Premium Material: Indulge in Ultimate Comfort with Our Spacious 60 X 110 cm Area Rug, Meticulously Crafted from Exceptionally Soft Flannel Fabric. the Fine, Pilling-Resistant Texture is Gentle on the Skin, While Tpe (Thermoplastic Elastomer) Technology Ensures Long-Lasting Protection for Your Floors, Making This Rug a Perfect Addition to Any Room Immersive 3D Visual Design: Transform Your Living Space with Our Stunning 3D Printed Area Rug, Showcasing Vibrant, Fade-Resistant Colours Derived from Natural Plant-Based Dyes. This Immersive Visual Masterpiece Not Only Elevates Your Decor But Brings a Sense of Lasting Beauty to Your Home.Create Your Perfect Rug with the Freedom to Choose Any Size and Design You Desire. Personalise It to Suit Your Space and Style Safety First with Anti-Slip Technology: Your Family’S Safety is Our Priority. the Advanced Tpr (Thermoplastic Rubber) Non-Slip Backing Keeps the Area Rug Securely in Place, Preventing Slips and Falls, Especially for Children. for Added Peace of Mind, We Include with Anti-Slip Carpet Clips for Extra Stability Versatile Decor Piece: Enhance Any Room with Our Versatile Area Rug, Perfect for Kitchens, Bedrooms, or Living Areas. It Seamlessly Blends with Existing Decor or Stands Out As a Vibrant Centerpiece, Making It a Welcoming Addition for Family and Friends Effortless Maintenance: Enjoy Hassle-Free Upkeep with Our Stain-Resistant Area Rug, Safe for Both Kids and Pets. Keeping Your Large Living Room Rug Looking Pristine is Easy with Simple Spot-Cleaning or Vacuuming Routines, Allowing You to Appreciate Its Enduallure with Minimal Effort
QQXUAN Area Rugs Living Room Yellow Blue Rugs for Bedroom Modern Floor Carpet Art elegant chrysanthemum Non Shedding Durable Super Soft Printed Small Rug Easy to clean washable 160 x 230 cm
127 SEK
Perfect Size Premium Material: Indulge in Ultimate Comfort with Our Spacious 60 X 110 cm Area Rug, Meticulously Crafted from Exceptionally Soft Flannel Fabric. the Fine, Pilling-Resistant Texture is Gentle on the Skin, While Tpe (Thermoplastic Elastomer) Technology Ensures Long-Lasting Protection for Your Floors, Making This Rug a Perfect Addition to Any Room Immersive 3D Visual Design: Transform Your Living Space with Our Stunning 3D Printed Area Rug, Showcasing Vibrant, Fade-Resistant Colours Derived from Natural Plant-Based Dyes. This Immersive Visual Masterpiece Not Only Elevates Your Decor But Brings a Sense of Lasting Beauty to Your Home.Create Your Perfect Rug with the Freedom to Choose Any Size and Design You Desire. Personalise It to Suit Your Space and Style Safety First with Anti-Slip Technology: Your Family’S Safety is Our Priority. the Advanced Tpr (Thermoplastic Rubber) Non-Slip Backing Keeps the Area Rug Securely in Place, Preventing Slips and Falls, Especially for Children. for Added Peace of Mind, We Include with Anti-Slip Carpet Clips for Extra Stability Versatile Decor Piece: Enhance Any Room with Our Versatile Area Rug, Perfect for Kitchens, Bedrooms, or Living Areas. It Seamlessly Blends with Existing Decor or Stands Out As a Vibrant Centerpiece, Making It a Welcoming Addition for Family and Friends Effortless Maintenance: Enjoy Hassle-Free Upkeep with Our Stain-Resistant Area Rug, Safe for Both Kids and Pets. Keeping Your Large Living Room Rug Looking Pristine is Easy with Simple Spot-Cleaning or Vacuuming Routines, Allowing You to Appreciate Its Enduallure with Minimal Effort
XUEDNGM Mycket Lång Korridor Hall Runner Area Matta 85 x 160 cm No Shedding Tvättbar Lätt Lång Löparmatta Halkfria Tvättbara Löparmattor Köksmattor Halkfria for Hallway Kitchen, D
586.99 SEK
🌅Hallway Runner: Gör en djärv inverkan på alla moderna interiörer med vårt sortiment av hallway runners, en briljant lösning för att förhindra att smuts och lera spåras genom ditt hem. Med en livlig design är dessa mattlöpare perfekta för alla inomhusutrymmen, inklusive dina hallar, kök, sovrum, kontor, trappor och avsats. 🌷Lätt att rengöra och underhålla: Dammsug helt enkelt med en handdammsugare, sopa med en kvast eller använd en trädgårdsslang för att skölja mattan utomhus. För en djupare rengöring, maskintvättad och torkad! Oroa dig inte för att fiber ska falla. 🎀Non Slip Hallway Runner --- Kökslöparmattan är designad med TPR-underlag, därför kan den stanna på plats på olika golv (som lövträ, laminat, marmor och klinkergolv), ge säker dragkraft och garantera säkerheten av din familj och husdjur. VARMT ANMÄRKNING: Placera löparmattan endast på rent, torrt, slätt golv, annars kan den halka. 🌞Storlek: Oavsett om du behöver en specifik längd för din trappa, en snygg dörrmatta eller en korridor, har vi en rad anpassningsbara storlekar för att passa dina behov. ⛵Mjuk korridormatta med låg lugg: För att öka mjukheten i korridormattan är den här mattan gjord av kristall sammetstyg, vilket gör mattan supermjuk samtidigt som den förhindrar blekning. Designen med hög densitet och låg lugg gör denna matta bekväm att använda i korridorer, under möbler och i entréer utan att blockera dörröppningar. 🌌Tålig och lätt att rengöra --- Tillverkad av högkvalitativ nylon och tillverkad av förstärkt kantteknik, denna mattlöpare är hållbar, inte lätt att falla isär, fläckbeständig, fäller inte och lätt att rengöra. Du kan dammsuga den regelbundet, fläckrengöra eller ta bort den smutsiga delen, tvätta den med handen eller tvättmaskin, mycket bekvämt och enkelt att göra, vilket sparar tid och energi. 🌟Obs! Eftersom vår dörrmatta viks och transporteras tar det lite tid innan den blir helt slät. Vik ut produkten i motsatt ordning och placera några tunga föremål på den under en tid eller använd ett ångstrykjärn för att stryka den platt. 🛎️Bekymmersfri garanti: På grund av olika fotograferingsljus och -vinklar kan färgen på mattan du får vara något annorlunda än produktbilden, vilket är normalt. Om du har några frågor om våra mattor är du välkommen att kontakta oss så ger vi dig det mest tillfredsställande svaret.
GOUSUN Modern Rugs Shaggy Rugs 120 x 160 cm Runner Rug Thick Pile Non Shedding Cotton Rug Round Rug Versatile Patterns for Bedroom Anti Slip, Himmelsblå
417.39 SEK
✨【Durable & Cozy Shaggy Rug】:Crafted from high-quality polyester, this luxurious faux fur rug adds a soft, cozy touch to any room. Perfect for the bedroom, it promotes a warm and inviting atmosphere, offering comfort and style with vibrant colors and a plush texture. The rug’s shedding-free, odorless fabric ensures long-lasting beauty and functionality. 🔒【Non-Slip Bottom for Safety】:Equipped with thousands of plastic bead dots, the rug’s non-slip bottom provides enhanced friction, keeping it securely in place without damaging your floors. Ideal for high-traffic areas, this feature ensures your rug stays where you want it. 👣【Soft & Fluffy Comfort】:Indulge your feet with a soft, fluffy rug that feels like a massage with every step. Designed to provide protection against cold, hard floors, its thick, high-quality shag pile offers luxurious comfort and a touch of elegance to your space. 🛋【Elegant & Modern Décor】:With a minimalist design and solid color options, this rug brings warmth and sophistication to any room. Its clean, modern aesthetic complements various interior styles, creating a peaceful and inviting environment. 📏【Versatile & Stylish Sizing】:Available in a range of sizes, this rug is perfect for any room. Whether placed in the living room, bedroom, or hallway, its stylish shaggy design adds charm and enhances the overall decor. 🧽【Easy to Clean & Maintain】:For daily care, simply vacuum the rug with a hand-held vacuum. For a deeper clean, gently wash by hand with mild detergent and air dry in a well-ventilated area. Avoid direct sunlight to maintain its beauty. 🏡【 Transform Your Home】:Instantly elevate your room’s décor with this eye-catching rug. Its vibrant colors and soft texture not only provide comfort but also serve as a key decorative piece that enhances the ambiance of your home. 🌟【Perfect for Any Room】:Ideal for living rooms, bedrooms, children’s rooms, or nurseries, this rug adapts to various spaces and decor needs. It’s the perfect gift for creating a cozy, stylish atmosphere in your home.
QQXUAN Area Rugs Living Room Yellow Printed Rugs for Bedroom Leopard fabric pattern Floor Carpet Soft Touch Non Shedding Large Rug Easy to Clean 160 x 230 cm
127 SEK
Perfect Size Premium Material: Indulge in Ultimate Comfort with Our Spacious 60 X 110 cm Area Rug, Meticulously Crafted from Exceptionally Soft Flannel Fabric. the Fine, Pilling-Resistant Texture is Gentle on the Skin, While Tpe (Thermoplastic Elastomer) Technology Ensures Long-Lasting Protection for Your Floors, Making This Rug a Perfect Addition to Any Room Immersive 3D Visual Design: Transform Your Living Space with Our Stunning 3D Printed Area Rug, Showcasing Vibrant, Fade-Resistant Colours Derived from Natural Plant-Based Dyes. This Immersive Visual Masterpiece Not Only Elevates Your Decor But Brings a Sense of Lasting Beauty to Your Home.Create Your Perfect Rug with the Freedom to Choose Any Size and Design You Desire. Personalise It to Suit Your Space and Style Safety First with Anti-Slip Technology: Your Family’S Safety is Our Priority. the Advanced Tpr (Thermoplastic Rubber) Non-Slip Backing Keeps the Area Rug Securely in Place, Preventing Slips and Falls, Especially for Children. for Added Peace of Mind, We Include with Anti-Slip Carpet Clips for Extra Stability Versatile Decor Piece: Enhance Any Room with Our Versatile Area Rug, Perfect for Kitchens, Bedrooms, or Living Areas. It Seamlessly Blends with Existing Decor or Stands Out As a Vibrant Centerpiece, Making It a Welcoming Addition for Family and Friends Effortless Maintenance: Enjoy Hassle-Free Upkeep with Our Stain-Resistant Area Rug, Safe for Both Kids and Pets. Keeping Your Large Living Room Rug Looking Pristine is Easy with Simple Spot-Cleaning or Vacuuming Routines, Allowing You to Appreciate Its Enduallure with Minimal Effort
GOUSUN Runner Rugs for Hallway Non Slip 90 x 160 cm Thick Dense Pile Non Shed Fluffy Stain-Resistant Carpet Washable Entrance Rug Runner for Bedroom Anti Slip, benvit
328.39 SEK
✨【Durable & Cozy Shaggy Rug】:Crafted from high-quality polyester, this luxurious faux fur rug adds a soft, cozy touch to any room. Perfect for the bedroom, it promotes a warm and inviting atmosphere, offering comfort and style with vibrant colors and a plush texture. The rug’s shedding-free, odorless fabric ensures long-lasting beauty and functionality. 🔒【Non-Slip Bottom for Safety】:Equipped with thousands of plastic bead dots, the rug’s non-slip bottom provides enhanced friction, keeping it securely in place without damaging your floors. Ideal for high-traffic areas, this feature ensures your rug stays where you want it. 👣【Soft & Fluffy Comfort】:Indulge your feet with a soft, fluffy rug that feels like a massage with every step. Designed to provide protection against cold, hard floors, its thick, high-quality shag pile offers luxurious comfort and a touch of elegance to your space. 🛋【Elegant & Modern Décor】:With a minimalist design and solid color options, this rug brings warmth and sophistication to any room. Its clean, modern aesthetic complements various interior styles, creating a peaceful and inviting environment. 📏【Versatile & Stylish Sizing】:Available in a range of sizes, this rug is perfect for any room. Whether placed in the living room, bedroom, or hallway, its stylish shaggy design adds charm and enhances the overall decor. 🧽【Easy to Clean & Maintain】:For daily care, simply vacuum the rug with a hand-held vacuum. For a deeper clean, gently wash by hand with mild detergent and air dry in a well-ventilated area. Avoid direct sunlight to maintain its beauty. 🏡【 Transform Your Home】:Instantly elevate your room’s décor with this eye-catching rug. Its vibrant colors and soft texture not only provide comfort but also serve as a key decorative piece that enhances the ambiance of your home. 🌟【Perfect for Any Room】:Ideal for living rooms, bedrooms, children’s rooms, or nurseries, this rug adapts to various spaces and decor needs. It’s the perfect gift for creating a cozy, stylish atmosphere in your home.
GOUSUN Modern Rugs Shaggy Rugs 160 x 350 cm Non-Slip Underside Cotton Rug Round Rug Washable Entrance Rug Runner for Bedroom Anti Slip, Himmelsblå
1096.39 SEK
✨【Durable & Cozy Shaggy Rug】:Crafted from high-quality polyester, this luxurious faux fur rug adds a soft, cozy touch to any room. Perfect for the bedroom, it promotes a warm and inviting atmosphere, offering comfort and style with vibrant colors and a plush texture. The rug’s shedding-free, odorless fabric ensures long-lasting beauty and functionality. 🔒【Non-Slip Bottom for Safety】:Equipped with thousands of plastic bead dots, the rug’s non-slip bottom provides enhanced friction, keeping it securely in place without damaging your floors. Ideal for high-traffic areas, this feature ensures your rug stays where you want it. 👣【Soft & Fluffy Comfort】:Indulge your feet with a soft, fluffy rug that feels like a massage with every step. Designed to provide protection against cold, hard floors, its thick, high-quality shag pile offers luxurious comfort and a touch of elegance to your space. 🛋【Elegant & Modern Décor】:With a minimalist design and solid color options, this rug brings warmth and sophistication to any room. Its clean, modern aesthetic complements various interior styles, creating a peaceful and inviting environment. 📏【Versatile & Stylish Sizing】:Available in a range of sizes, this rug is perfect for any room. Whether placed in the living room, bedroom, or hallway, its stylish shaggy design adds charm and enhances the overall decor. 🧽【Easy to Clean & Maintain】:For daily care, simply vacuum the rug with a hand-held vacuum. For a deeper clean, gently wash by hand with mild detergent and air dry in a well-ventilated area. Avoid direct sunlight to maintain its beauty. 🏡【 Transform Your Home】:Instantly elevate your room’s décor with this eye-catching rug. Its vibrant colors and soft texture not only provide comfort but also serve as a key decorative piece that enhances the ambiance of your home. 🌟【Perfect for Any Room】:Ideal for living rooms, bedrooms, children’s rooms, or nurseries, this rug adapts to various spaces and decor needs. It’s the perfect gift for creating a cozy, stylish atmosphere in your home.
GOUSUN Modern Rug Soft Carpet 160 x 220 cm Water Absorbent Runner Mat Floor Shaggy Soft and Elegant Carpets Rug Fluffy Bedroom for Bedroom Anti Slip, Grå
712.39 SEK
✨【Durable & Cozy Shaggy Rug】:Crafted from high-quality polyester, this luxurious faux fur rug adds a soft, cozy touch to any room. Perfect for the bedroom, it promotes a warm and inviting atmosphere, offering comfort and style with vibrant colors and a plush texture. The rug’s shedding-free, odorless fabric ensures long-lasting beauty and functionality. 🔒【Non-Slip Bottom for Safety】:Equipped with thousands of plastic bead dots, the rug’s non-slip bottom provides enhanced friction, keeping it securely in place without damaging your floors. Ideal for high-traffic areas, this feature ensures your rug stays where you want it. 👣【Soft & Fluffy Comfort】:Indulge your feet with a soft, fluffy rug that feels like a massage with every step. Designed to provide protection against cold, hard floors, its thick, high-quality shag pile offers luxurious comfort and a touch of elegance to your space. 🛋【Elegant & Modern Décor】:With a minimalist design and solid color options, this rug brings warmth and sophistication to any room. Its clean, modern aesthetic complements various interior styles, creating a peaceful and inviting environment. 📏【Versatile & Stylish Sizing】:Available in a range of sizes, this rug is perfect for any room. Whether placed in the living room, bedroom, or hallway, its stylish shaggy design adds charm and enhances the overall decor. 🧽【Easy to Clean & Maintain】:For daily care, simply vacuum the rug with a hand-held vacuum. For a deeper clean, gently wash by hand with mild detergent and air dry in a well-ventilated area. Avoid direct sunlight to maintain its beauty. 🏡【 Transform Your Home】:Instantly elevate your room’s décor with this eye-catching rug. Its vibrant colors and soft texture not only provide comfort but also serve as a key decorative piece that enhances the ambiance of your home. 🌟【Perfect for Any Room】:Ideal for living rooms, bedrooms, children’s rooms, or nurseries, this rug adapts to various spaces and decor needs. It’s the perfect gift for creating a cozy, stylish atmosphere in your home.
QQXUAN Rug for living room 160 x 230 cm Machine Washable Alcohol ink thin lead line Area Rugs Non-Slip Orange Color Mat Short Pile Floor Carpet Rugs for Boys Teens Bedroom Living Room Decor
127 SEK
Perfect Size Premium Material: Indulge in Ultimate Comfort with Our Spacious 120 X 180 cm Area Rug, Meticulously Crafted from Exceptionally Soft Flannel Fabric. the Fine, Pilling-Resistant Texture is Gentle on the Skin, While Tpe (Thermoplastic Elastomer) Technology Ensures Long-Lasting Protection for Your Floors, Making This Rug a Perfect Addition to Any Room Immersive 3D Visual Design: Transform Your Living Space with Our Stunning 3D Printed Area Rug, Showcasing Vibrant, Fade-Resistant Colours Derived from Natural Plant-Based Dyes. This Immersive Visual Masterpiece Not Only Elevates Your Decor But Brings a Sense of Lasting Beauty to Your Home.Create Your Perfect Rug with the Freedom to Choose Any Size and Design You Desire. Personalise It to Suit Your Space and Style Safety First with Anti-Slip Technology: Your Family’S Safety is Our Priority. the Advanced Tpr (Thermoplastic Rubber) Non-Slip Backing Keeps the Area Rug Securely in Place, Preventing Slips and Falls, Especially for Children. for Added Peace of Mind, We Include with Anti-Slip Carpet Clips for Extra Stability Versatile Decor Piece: Enhance Any Room with Our Versatile Area Rug, Perfect for Kitchens, Bedrooms, or Living Areas. It Seamlessly Blends with Existing Decor or Stands Out As a Vibrant Centerpiece, Making It a Welcoming Addition for Family and Friends Effortless Maintenance: Enjoy Hassle-Free Upkeep with Our Stain-Resistant Area Rug, Safe for Both Kids and Pets. Keeping Your Large Living Room Rug Looking Pristine is Easy with Simple Spot-Cleaning or Vacuuming Routines, Allowing You to Appreciate Its Enduallure with Minimal Effort
QQXUAN The carpet Area rug for living room or bedroom in Green and yellow washable 30 degrees non-slip underside modern and soft short pile rug rectangular Jungle leaf with leopard print rug 160 x 230 cm
127 SEK
Perfect Size & Premium Material: Experience Unparalleled Comfort with Our 60 X 110 cm Area Rugs, Meticulously Crafted from Premium, Exceptionally Soft Flannel Fabric. the Fine, Pilling-Resistant Texturesses Your Skin, While Our Advanced Tpe (Thermoplastic Elastomer) Technology Ensures Long-Lasting Floor Protection, Making This Rug a Luxurious Addition to Any Living Space Immersive 3D Visual Design: Elevate Your Decor with Our Breathtaking 3D Printed Area Rugs, Featuvibrant, Fade-Resistant Hues Derived from Natural Plant-Based Dyes. This Immersive Visual Masterpiece Not Only Enhances Your Room's Aesthetic But Also Infuses It with Endubeauty Safety First with Anti-Slip Technology: Your Family's Safety is Paramount. Our Area Rugs Boast an Advanced Tpr (Thermoplastic Rubber) Non-Slip Backing to Keep the Rug Securely in Place, Minimising the Risk of Slips and Falls. for Added Security, We Include Anti-Slip Carpet Clips for Extra Stability Versatile Decor Piece: Our Area Rugs Are the Perfect Accent for Any Room, Whether It's the Kitchen, Bedroom, or Living Area. They Effortlessly Complement Existing Decor or Stand Out As a Vibrant Focal Point, Creating a Warm Welcome for Family and Friends Customisable: Personalise Your Space with Our Bespoke Area Rug Service. Choose Any Size and Design to Create a Rug That Perfectly Complements Your Style and Room, Ensua Unique and Luxurious Touch to Your Home
QQXUAN The carpet Area rug for living room or bedroom in Gray washable up to 30 degrees non-slip underside modern and soft short pile rug rectangular Black and white marble border rug 160 x 230 cm
127 SEK
Perfect Size & Premium Material: Experience Unparalleled Comfort with Our 60 X 110 cm Area Rugs, Meticulously Crafted from Premium, Exceptionally Soft Flannel Fabric. the Fine, Pilling-Resistant Texturesses Your Skin, While Our Advanced Tpe (Thermoplastic Elastomer) Technology Ensures Long-Lasting Floor Protection, Making This Rug a Luxurious Addition to Any Living Space Immersive 3D Visual Design: Elevate Your Decor with Our Breathtaking 3D Printed Area Rugs, Featuvibrant, Fade-Resistant Hues Derived from Natural Plant-Based Dyes. This Immersive Visual Masterpiece Not Only Enhances Your Room's Aesthetic But Also Infuses It with Endubeauty Safety First with Anti-Slip Technology: Your Family's Safety is Paramount. Our Area Rugs Boast an Advanced Tpr (Thermoplastic Rubber) Non-Slip Backing to Keep the Rug Securely in Place, Minimising the Risk of Slips and Falls. for Added Security, We Include Anti-Slip Carpet Clips for Extra Stability Versatile Decor Piece: Our Area Rugs Are the Perfect Accent for Any Room, Whether It's the Kitchen, Bedroom, or Living Area. They Effortlessly Complement Existing Decor or Stand Out As a Vibrant Focal Point, Creating a Warm Welcome for Family and Friends Customisable: Personalise Your Space with Our Bespoke Area Rug Service. Choose Any Size and Design to Create a Rug That Perfectly Complements Your Style and Room, Ensua Unique and Luxurious Touch to Your Home
QQXUAN Area Rugs For Living Room 3D Animal Majestic Wolf Printed Flannel Gray and green Carpets, Extra Large Size Soft Rugs Anti Slip Washable Floor Mats For Bedroom Kids Room Decor 160 x 230 cm
1835.94 SEK
Perfect Size & Premium Material: Experience Unparalleled Comfort with Our 60 X 110 cm Area Rugs, Meticulously Crafted from Premium, Exceptionally Soft Flannel Fabric. the Fine, Pilling-Resistant Texturesses Your Skin, While Our Advanced Tpe (Thermoplastic Elastomer) Technology Ensures Long-Lasting Floor Protection, Making This Rug a Luxurious Addition to Any Living Space Immersive 3D Visual Design: Elevate Your Decor with Our Breathtaking 3D Printed Area Rugs, Featuvibrant, Fade-Resistant Hues Derived from Natural Plant-Based Dyes. This Immersive Visual Masterpiece Not Only Enhances Your Room's Aesthetic But Also Infuses It with Endubeauty Safety First with Anti-Slip Technology: Your Family's Safety is Paramount. Our Area Rugs Boast an Advanced Tpr (Thermoplastic Rubber) Non-Slip Backing to Keep the Rug Securely in Place, Minimising the Risk of Slips and Falls. for Added Security, We Include Anti-Slip Carpet Clips for Extra Stability Versatile Decor Piece: Our Area Rugs Are the Perfect Accent for Any Room, Whether It's the Kitchen, Bedroom, or Living Area. They Effortlessly Complement Existing Decor or Stand Out As a Vibrant Focal Point, Creating a Warm Welcome for Family and Friends Customisable: Personalise Your Space with Our Bespoke Area Rug Service. Choose Any Size and Design to Create a Rug That Perfectly Complements Your Style and Room, Ensua Unique and Luxurious Touch to Your Home
QQXUAN The carpet Area rug for living room or bedroom in Blue washable up to 30 degrees non-slip underside modern and soft short pile rug rectangular Gold veins marble artwork rug 160 x 230 cm
127 SEK
Perfect Size & Premium Material: Experience Unparalleled Comfort with Our 60 X 110 cm Area Rugs, Meticulously Crafted from Premium, Exceptionally Soft Flannel Fabric. the Fine, Pilling-Resistant Texturesses Your Skin, While Our Advanced Tpe (Thermoplastic Elastomer) Technology Ensures Long-Lasting Floor Protection, Making This Rug a Luxurious Addition to Any Living Space Immersive 3D Visual Design: Elevate Your Decor with Our Breathtaking 3D Printed Area Rugs, Featuvibrant, Fade-Resistant Hues Derived from Natural Plant-Based Dyes. This Immersive Visual Masterpiece Not Only Enhances Your Room's Aesthetic But Also Infuses It with Endubeauty Safety First with Anti-Slip Technology: Your Family's Safety is Paramount. Our Area Rugs Boast an Advanced Tpr (Thermoplastic Rubber) Non-Slip Backing to Keep the Rug Securely in Place, Minimising the Risk of Slips and Falls. for Added Security, We Include Anti-Slip Carpet Clips for Extra Stability Versatile Decor Piece: Our Area Rugs Are the Perfect Accent for Any Room, Whether It's the Kitchen, Bedroom, or Living Area. They Effortlessly Complement Existing Decor or Stand Out As a Vibrant Focal Point, Creating a Warm Welcome for Family and Friends Customisable: Personalise Your Space with Our Bespoke Area Rug Service. Choose Any Size and Design to Create a Rug That Perfectly Complements Your Style and Room, Ensua Unique and Luxurious Touch to Your Home